1. SAHMlovingit

    See, now that photo would have been even better if you had your sleeves rolled up a la Wham/Miami Vice stylee 🙂

    Lovely story and super pic. Plus you’re the same age as me! x

  2. cafebebe

    Aw, another lovely memory accompanied by a gorgeous hair-do! 😉 Thanks for a great #FlashbackFriday! 😉


  3. lol…You have just reminded me of a ‘perm’ photo I must dig out for next week! What were we thinking? Great photo! And lovely story behind it x

  4. DeliciousNessy

    I always wanted a perm – wasn’t allowed. Now I am thankful (no offence) you would have clearly been up there in the style stakes circa 1988.
    Great pic. It’s always good to get the oldies with your pals out. x

  5. OMG hilarious! My mum was too cheap to let me do a perm …at the time I was well miffed…now I am relieved at her tight fistedness!

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