1. emsyjo

    Great flashback, and great hair 😉
    Shame you never made it onto Jim’ll Fix it – that would have made a great blog post!

  2. cafebebe

    Bless you…what a lovely dog! And named Kate! How funny! I love it. I love your pose as well…hand on hip! Thanks so much for taking part. I hope it will catch on…I’ll be here for sure! 😉 Karin

  3. Awww so cute. Funny how we both picked a picture from 1984, although I have to say I am not sitting half as safe as you *lol* Looking forward to your future blasts from the past. Love this new feature


  4. SAHMlovingit

    Great photo! Love your hand on your hip – I used to do those poses too. And looks like we are the same age – I was born in ’74.

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