1. Ah lovely! I have memory folder for red ted, but, erm, not for pip squeak.. ooops. Best get it sorted! Weren’t they just the tiniest things once?!?!

    Love the photo of B too. Lovely!

  2. Ow… I see another canvas print coming up:-) Gorgeous photo that is!
    What a lovely post and to capture memories in a box is a great idea. It’s on my list of ‘to do when becoming a mum’ LOL

  3. That’s such a beautiful photo of him 🙂 I keep meaning to get together a memory box for Zara but all of her bits and pieces are all packed away in various locations around the house

  4. I have never been organised enough to make the memory boxes, well done you! I have all the stuff, it’s just in carrier bags and over stuffed cardboard boxes…I’ll get round to it one day!
    That smile is incredible!

  5. I really need to get organised and get a memory box you have inspired me to get cracking with it! I have everything saved but it various folders i must be the most disorganised person in the world!

    B is just gorgeous x

  6. Thanks for all your lovely comments. Believe it or not I am one of the most unorganized people I know but I guess these memories are important enough to have made me get organised!

  7. You’re very organised. I have kept all of the boys things, but an actual memory box is something I’ve been meaning to do but haven’t. I’m sooo lazy. Did a plaster cast of his (huge) feet too, it’s still not finished. He’s 3. There’s no hope for me………
    Love that boy by the way *big squish*

  8. I made a scrapbook filled with all these kinds of things from my daughter’s first year–and it has been looked through again and again and again and again!! She loves looking through and imagining what life was like for her then. If I had known how much she would love this I might have taken a bit more care with it, but as it was, I think I did ok. Excellent idea!! x

  9. I’ve got memory boxes for my two (aged 5 and 4) and they’re bursting at the seams!!

    Lovely pic of your boy tho. He’s so cute!

  10. my memory box has turned into a memory cupboard, I can’t bear to part with my favourite little outfits and shoes..
    He really is a cute cheeky man 😀

  11. Oh wow, look at that grin 😀 I have a memory box for Piglet too. It’s already full to bursting and I love looking through it. I hope she does as well when she’s older.

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