Making Extra Money as a Student

Wherever you study, whatever your subject is, the common factor of student existence is a tight budget. Whatever loans and grants you’re eligible for, however much your parents may be able to help you out, it’s only a very privileged few who are able to see through their studies without having to budget creatively.

Today we’ve got some tips for students about making a little extra money to help ends meet, or fund nights out while you study.

Using Your Room

When you’re out of Halls and living in private rented accommodation, you may find you’re paying for the whole year whether you’re there or not. It’s not rare for students to be away from university and staying with their family during the holidays, which could mean you’re paying whole months of rent in a house you’re not using.

With conferences and other events being regularly held at universities in the holidays, you may also have friends, or friends of friends looking for somewhere to stay while you’re out of town, and this could be a convenient way to curb your losses on rent.

Putting your precious possessions into byStored student storage leaves your room clear to be used by a friend in need while you’re out of town, and means you’ll come back to a bit of extra spending money to help the new term start with a bang!

Student Jobs

It can be difficult to find jobs that fit around the student life: not just lectures and studying, but the activities of any clubs and societies you want to join, and the exciting new friendships you make at university.

There are some, however that can fit around your schedule, and help to serve those friendships, as well giving you a bit of experience of the working world that will repay you when you graduate!

  • This allows you to capitalise on your studies, and turn them into a bit of extra cash without even having to wait to graduate! You can let parents know your timetable so you can pick tutoring slots when you’re free. All you need to do to get started is make sure you have an up to date DBS check and start advertising!
  • This is the classic student job. It’s social. It takes place outside lecture hours and if you’re going to be in the pub anyway…Getting a job in a student union bar or club means your manager is likely to be a little more sympathetic to your needs to study, as well.
  • After you’ve moved out of halls, don’t write them off. Many universities keep a few rooms for Resident Assistants: older students who can help to support and supervise the new influx of freshers. This may not carry a wage, but the saving on rent is not to be sniffed at!

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