Top tips for staying safe at home

We all want to feel safe at home, but this is often easier said than done. If your property is targeted by thieves, any sense of security you have may be shattered instantly. The thought of intruders walking around your house, going through your things and potentially endangering the well-being of your family can be terrifying.

The good news is that there are simple ways to boost home security and the following guide will talk you through some of the most important.

Take advantage of top security solutions

There’s no shortage of sophisticated security systems and if you’re yet to invest in them, you could be missing a trick. By visiting the websites of security specialists such as, you can check out an array of offerings. One increasingly popular option is CCTV. These solutions are easy to install and use, and as well as helping to catch any burglars, they serve as an effective deterrent. Knowing that your home is under surveillance in this way can bring real peace of mind.

Another option, and one that you may never even have heard of, is infrared perimeter beams. These hi-tech systems may seem like the stuff of Bond movies, but they are in fact straightforward to operate. The beams can be set up around the outside of your home and they alert you to the presence of potential intruders before they have even reached your property. This means they are highly effective at stopping crimes before they have been committed.

Invest in quality doors and windows

Top-end security solutions are one thing, but it’s also important to get the basics right. For example, it’s vital that you have effective doors in place. These points are the primary route of entry and exit for most burglars, so they must be robust. Ideally, external doors should be at least 4.5cm thick and they should be fitted with a 5 level mortice deadlock. It’s also wise to ensure they have a spy hole and door chain.

Windows are another potential weak spot. Opportunistic thieves often target open or unsecured windows. This means you should always make sure they are locked, even if you’re only planning to be out of your house for matter of minutes. If possible, any ground floor windows should be double-glazed or made from toughened glass. Also, avoid falling into the trap of leaving valuables like car keys near to your windows. This is simply asking for trouble.

Use lighting to your advantage

It’s important to scrutinise your lighting too. Security lights fitted outside your property can help to fend off unwanted attention. It’s also a good idea to illuminate certain rooms when you’re not in to give the impression that someone’s home. It’s now easy to access special timers that switch lights on and off in a random fashion to fool criminals into thinking homes are occupied.

By following simple suggestions like these, you can improve your chances of staying safe at home.

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