1. I love their little shoes with the dinosaur prints,hope Burton feels ok now and hope the OH had a lovely birthday. That’s a brilliant cake!!

  2. Well done you on all your outdoor play, you are amazing! The kicking shot is great showing off the Dinosoles (The Boy is gutted that he’s outgrown them, I think I’m going to have to *buy* some for his next pair of shoes!) and I adore Jenson’s laidback position in the pushchair. Good work on the Ferrero Rocher cake, I am nabbing that for hubby’s birthday in a few weeks time!

    Thanks for linking up.

  3. Looks like the Ferrero Rocher cake was a success. That means you won’t be sending it to me? Such a shame! Great photos as usual Jenny. Bud has the same Mr Bump PJs and is outgrowing them, I’ll be sad to see them go!

  4. RollercoasterMum

    Love the first shot – really captured that action an dhe looks so determined!

  5. Elaine Livingstone

    pure concentration on his face as he kicks the balls, and love those patterns on the bottom of his shoes

  6. innocentcharmer

    Yours boys are so gorgeous Jenny, I can’t even pick a fave photo, love them all so much, the footie action shot is fab, but so is Jenson’s face in the cake shot – perfect x

  7. Really great photos this week Jenny. Such fun action shots of your boys. I love the kicking one of Burton and the lounging one of Jenson. X

  8. Your boys have the cutest hats!! Love the picture of him kicking the ball with the dinosaur foot print on his shoe!!

  9. Donna Bird (mummybird)

    Great photos for the week. Love your little mans position in the pushchair. lol

  10. emsyjo

    Burton’s shoes are really cool! I love the look on his face when he’s kicking the ball.

  11. What amazing action shots. What camera do you use? I love the way you have motion on the ball but not your boy in the first shot, and you managed to catch a mid jump in the last. That cake looks yummy (groan, trying to lose weight and every where I turn I see delicious delicious food)

  12. su tyler

    OOHH I don’t know which one I like best this week. Love the shoes with paw prints, reminds me of the old Clarks shoes my brothers had with prints and compass in them!
    Also like the chocolate face, half the fun of eating is getting mucky!

  13. Jennypaulin

    thanks i do try to go out every day even if only for a short while, and i will post that cake recipe up very soon

  14. Jennypaulin

    it was nice although i still gave some away ans had to throw out last bit as no one at it all 🙁 so you could have had some afterall!! x

  15. Jennypaulin

    thank you. my two are funny sometimes they will eat choc cake and then next time they wont!! x

  16. Lauren_W

    haha! Jenson in the pushchair is brilliant! Those shoes are so cool.
    I love the photo of your 3 boys/men blowing the candles. So cute, I want that cake though.
    Thank you for linking up xx

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