1. Aw dammit. I’ve heard lots of knee complaints linked to the shred due its intensity 🙁
    Make sure you rest it properly and maybe try something different now you have the workout bug? I get a bit bored of the dvd now so take elements of it and do a 10,9..1 workout circuit whilst watching my Killers live dvd. You’re on pinterest yes? There are loads of routines there x I’ll shut up now! Viv @MelkshamMum

  2. Lauren_W

    At least you are stopping due to injury and not because you find it too hard. You are doing really well by the looks of it!

    I got a similar pain in my leg so I’m glad that it wasn’t something I had done wrong.
    Hope your leg is better soon xx

  3. Kirsty Hornblow

    Glad you stopped before you did some real damage. Anything called the ‘shred’ would put me right off – it even sounds scary!

  4. well done Jenny, you’ve been doing great. It was a combination of knee & back pain that stopped me continuing it before Xmas, after a couple of days off my back improved a lot. I did the shred today & went in at level 2 but my left knee also wasn’t too keen so I’m going easy on the lunges! Keep up your good work x

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