1. Those sound like really good and achievable goals Jenny. I can’t believe your Mum doesn’t know about your blog. I am a secret blogger in the fact that I don’t tell friends, apart from a couple of close ones, but my main family know- i.e my mum, dad and grandparents. I bet she would be really proud of you and would love to see all the photos.
    I was just having this discussion with mr e last night about food- we give Mads the same things because we can’t be bothered to fight with her, but in actual fact she needs to try more things- thats one of my goals too. x

  2. Lauren_W

    Wow my list seems really tiny compared to this. I think it’s really positive that everything is achieveable though.
    I think a lot of them go hand in hand with each other so once you have one ticked off you will find it easier to do the others (does that make sense?)
    Good luck xx

  3. Thanks and back atcha sister , although skinny is a word I will never be called! Slimmer maybe., good luck although you always look very svelte to me x

  4. Thanks Katie I Thought there was no point being too adventurous else i Might not accomplish any! I wish you luck with getting Mads to eat more foods too 🙂 x

  5. you have a new iphone..whoo hoo..attach it on to your body with a retractable lead!
    I need to do the 2 stone thing as well…for definite this year! You should try the 30 day shred – I started back on it yesterday & survived!

    good luck with your goals – especially telling your Mum! x

  6. Good luck with all your 2013 goals! I need to adopt the mealtimes one with Allegra too – apparently she eats really well at nursery and tries lots of different things, but at home she can be quite stubborn about food and has a fairly small repertoire of dishes that I’m more or less confident she’ll eat. Really want to try and encourage her to try more different foods and not just rely on sausages, mash, and beans!! x

  7. Good luck with your goals – are you sure you need to shift 2 stone?? When I saw you at Britmums you looked absolutely fantastic!!! OH and I never make any time for us and we always say we’ll have a regular date night and then kind of forget about it so that’s one I want to rekindle this year. I never even realised that our holiday away was the first time the 3 of us had been together for a whole week since z was born. so 2 years later! Mad!

  8. Good luck with you goals Jenny, reading through yours I am thinking of more I could add to mine…getting outdoors everyday and go to bed earlier are definite. I hope you succeed with your weight loss, that is my biggest one this year and so I must cut down on my baking (although maybe I’ll try some slutty brownies first!) Here is to a good year for you and your OH too and hope you make time for each other xxx

  9. thanks you Bianca. it is hard with toddlers isnt it t they are just too strong willed well my two are anyway! my two wouldnt eat bangers , mash and beans ! x

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