1. This post really made me laugh Jenny (as well as reminded me about the ‘poo panic’ that most pregnant ladies encounter at some point) A friend told me about the fact that your body often flushes itself out and I remember running out of the toilet in early labour and excitedly telling my husband that I wouldn’t poo when I was pushing. He looked at me like I was insane!
    My labour went on for about another 30 hours after that, so I may well have pooed when I pushed, but I’d had an epidural but that point so I have no idea if I did. I do think having a baby sort of means that you check your dignity at the door, despite my worries, when it actually came to giving birth, it didn’t cross my mind and I wouldn’t care if I did. X

  2. Ahhh this was a concern of mine too! Luckily my midwife reassured me by telling me that I probably wouldn’t notice if I did and she was right because I have no idea due to the epidural. Wondering if it will be more noticeable next time though if I manage to do it without pain relief (doubtful). I would like to use a birthing pool but it’s even worse in there as someone has to use a net and fish it out! I just remembered that during my epi-dural I kept farting as I couldn’t feel anything, that was embarrassing enough as I try to never fart in front of dad2babyinsomniac! Cringe! X

  3. Oh that made me giggle reading that! I was also really worried about that, and have no idea if I did or not (I had an epidural). Despite 12 other people in the delivery room, I don’t think I really cared by that point… My sister-in-law was planning to have a water birth (she didn’t in the end) and my brother was instructed to buy a sieve to take to the hospital for the birth! It’s not really surprising it happens, with all that pressure and pushing; it’s probably more common to happen than not!

  4. notmyyearoff

    Hehe – you’ve got me thinking now!! I Can’t even remember if ummm I did or not…I was very very worried I might but some of it is just a hazy memory. I might need to ask the hubby tonight about it 🙂

  5. Susan Mann

    Aww bless, these things happen I’m sure. Not sure if it did with my probably did. Gorgeous and did make my giggle post x

  6. Lauren_W

    Even after knowing what you were going poo, I mean, to write and having a laughing fit last night, I still had a laughing fit reading this post.
    You are amazing for writing this and I have such respect for poo…I mean you.
    It happened to a lot of us…..this is the only place I’ll say that and I will say no more than that! ha! xx

  7. RollercoasterMum

    Haha! Loving your honesty. I have no idea whether I pooed or not I just know it all bloody hurt. I do know that baby no 2 pooed all over me and they were so busy in the hospital that I was left poo covered with new baby for about 2 hours! Don’t blame them – there were far more urgent things going on than healthy 2nd time mum and baby with a bit of poo and quite frankly I didn’t care that much!

  8. fromfuntomum

    reading this post made me laugh and remember things I thought I had removed from my memory, so thanks and no, thanks! x

  9. I remember being really worried about this as well, and then when I was in labour I have no recollection of thinking about it or knowing if it happened. Added to that I had a spinal block to no idea if I pushed one out or not! Ah well, never mind.

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