1. Notmyyearoff

    That’s a very clever post, I kept scrutinising the faces to see whos inherited what features!

  2. What a brilliant post! They really are a mix of the two of you. It always amazes me how much they change as they grow too. Thomas was the absolute spitting image of his father when he was born but he’s got a lot more of me in him now. I thought you looked just like your Mum but then when I looked at your Dad, you look like him too!  Brilliant. Great post 🙂 x

  3. emsyjo

    Brilliant idea for theme wish I’d thought of it!      I’m rubbish at deciding if children look like their parents usually, say Leo looks like Aaron or I look like my parents but I just can’t see it!

  4. Very clever post – a family tree in photos. So interesting looking at faces for family resemblances. Button is very like his daddy and you look so much like your mom.

  5. caro_mad

    This is a gorgeous post. I completely agree with your little theory. Burton looks just like his daddy, whereas I find that Jenson has got your mum’s eyes x

  6. I love what you have done with the theme this week! Burton does look like his daddy…I can’t wait to have another one to see how different they will be to Iyla. It is so amazing xx

  7. I wanted to try something like this with my post because our little guy pulls so many faces that look like different family members. But I gave up because it was so hard to find the right photographs.
    What a lovely photographic family tree though. Love it. x

  8. What a brilliant idea! Love the way you’ve done this. I might copy this if you don’t mind? (not to add as my Gallery entry but just as a blog post by itself)
    I adore that first photo of the boys xx

  9. Cor, don’t you look like your mum!

    This is a brilliant take on the theme, I kicked myself when I saw it! I may still do a post like this (and link back) if that’s ok?

  10. Gorgeous boys! Burton definitely looks like his dad and I think Jenson looks like you. Great take on the theme though doing your family tree!

  11. jessies_online

    I love the way you’ve done this. I’ve said all along that Burton looks just like his Daddy, and I think I can see your Dad in you….but that’s it…I’m useless at spotting resemblances!

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