1. Lovely photos hun and I agree that sleeping babies are the best.  I also miss it now my daughter doesn’t fall asleep on me and the rare times she does I relish and adore! x

  2. jessies_online

    ahh such beautiful babies…..gorgeous squishy cheeks…..
    I miss seeing my baby sleep as he’s at Nanny’s *sniff*

  3. Ruth Jenkins

    Such beautiful photos! You’ve inspired me to look back through I the pictures I took of my boy when he was a sleeping baby.

  4. Simply Gorgeous Jenny! That was one of my favourite times with Ella. I broke all of the rules and rocked her to sleep. I will probably do the same with Bebe as you just cannot miss those moments…it’s for such a short time. Lovely pics of the boys…you should be so very proud of them! Thanks for linking up to Flashback Friday again… 😉

    Karin xx

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