1. jessies_online

    If only I’d known how much you liked that Adele song I would’ve got Jack to sing it to you…he knows all the words as it’s permanently on in Daddy’s car!

  2. Notmyyearoff

    Really good choices. Especially love the Tale That one, takes me back to college years.

  3. I chose Someone Like You as wel, it is such a beautiful song. I used to love Alanis Morrisette too! Haven’t listened to it in ages! Will have to find it tomorrow for a singing session! x

  4. Brilliant songs! I adore all three of them. Like you I was wowed by Adele at the Brits, recently downloaded 21 album and  it is amazing. The Take That song is obviously a genius choice, and I forgot how much I love Alanis Morrissette!

  5. emsyjo

    Back for good came out just after I’d split up from my first boyfriend when I was 17 and it my song!

  6. I always loved that line from Back For Good too! I loved the video for that song….in a pervy way. Watching them all drenched in rain was very sexy……xx

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