1. All the cool people had a Rachel cut! I did too. I had incredibly long hair, then we went on a family trip to London for the day and in Victoria Station there was a big group of hairdressers who were cutting hair for Β£5, all proceeds went to a cancer charity. I had mine done and went for the Rachel cut.

  2. MichaelaDalt

    Β All these blog entries have made me smile, just random bits of extra information πŸ™‚ I failed my driving test 1st time on 1 stupid thing too. so frustrating! πŸ™

  3. emsyjo

    I always wanted a Rachel cut but I never got round to it! Β  Thanks for the tag, no idea what I can come up with but I’ll have a think πŸ™‚

  4. I had fixed braces top and bottom for two years but not because of thumb sucking, think I had a dummy for a few years! it sorted my teeth out eventually.

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