1. Aw, bless, he looks lovely! I agree with you about babies dressed as toddlers. Mine was still wearing babygros in the daytime some days until a few weeks ago, and he’s 7 months.

  2. Beautiful! Thomas’s first babygro was white, even though we knew he was a boy. It just seemed right for a teeny person 🙂 Great idea for the topic! x

  3. Beautiful picture. I would have loved to have dressed my babies in white, but unfortunately they see,m to have the explosive poo gene. Must be from their father’s side.

  4. Soooo cute, I was also orginally thinking of pictures of Isabelle as a baby, but at the end I went for the mountains shot instead 😉 @Kahanka

  5. awwww so adorable. I totally agree both of my girls wore a lot of babygro’s in the first few weeks but Pudding especially so as i wanted to keep that new baby look and feeling for a long as possible knowing how quicly it passes.

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