Layered Potato & Vegetable Bake
Serves: 6
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 -2 tsp garlic
  • ½ head of cauliflower, broken into small florets
  • 2 different coloured peppers (I dont use green though as I find theese too bitter)
  • 2 onions, peeled
  • 2 courgettes
  • 100g mushrooms
  • 6-8 medium sized potatoes (I leave the skins on so I used ones with a clean skin)
  • 2 x tins of chopped tomatoes
  • 1 tbsp tomatoe puree
  • 1 chicken or vegetable stock pot
  • 1 tsp mixed Italian herbs
  • good grind black pepper
  • 50g cheddar cheese
  1. Pre heat the oven to 200oC / 180oC (fan)
  2. Apart from the potatoes, cut all of the other veg into chunks and thick slices
  3. Place into a roasting tin and cover with the oil, garlic and herbs and give a good mix
  4. Roast for 15 minutes
  5. Meanwhile , cut the potatoes in half and cook in boiling water for approx 15-20 minutes until just cooked - you do ot want them too soft that they will fall apart. Drain the water and leave to cool
  6. Once the now roasted veg is cooked, take a large baking dish and lightly grease.
  7. Pour all of the roasted veg inside and shake gently to spread them around
  8. Drain the tins of tomatoes so there is not too much juice and pour into a bowl
  9. Add the tomato puree and stock pot and 25ml of boiling water and mix well, and season with black pepper
  10. Pour over the vegetables
  11. Slice the potatoes and arrange over the top of the veggies
  12. Cover with the grated cheese
  13. Reduce the oven to 180oC / 160oC (fan) and cook for about 35-40 minutes , until the cheese is all golden on top
Recipe by Mummy Mishaps at