1. Oooooh I would love one of your malteser brownies right now! I’m reading this at the wrong time! I also think Kate’s amazing chocolate cake is brilliant but I’m now trying not to eat cakes for a couple of weeks as I’ve spent the last week eating up my children’s birthday cakes so it’s now time to be healthy!

  2. Those brownies look lush Jenny, absolutely deliciously squidgey! Yum! and I couldn’t agree more with you and Corina about Kate’s cake, it absolutely amazing – and to think it’s GF too!!
    Angela xx

  3. I love brownies and malteasers so I really really really want one of these!! I love the fact you’ve got the malteasers on the top as well as in the brownie to add a bit of crunch.

  4. This is such an indulgent recipe! It’s my son’s birthday today and I still haven’t got a cake, I’ve got all the ingredients except for the maltesers, but it’s easy to get those from the corner shop… Need to have a think… Thank you for sharing with #CookBlogShare:)

  5. joskitchenlarder

    That’s the second bake with maltesers I’ve come across this week and looks absolutely lush! Brownie and maltesers equals heaven 🙂

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