Designing for Creative Kids

Creating the perfect child’s bedroom shouldn’t be a parent-only endeavour. Involving children in creative decisions from a young age will give them confidence and a sense of ownership. Today’s post explains why

A well designed kid’s bedroom will have the practical amenities that parents are likely to consider like a comfortable mattress and suitable storage, but it can also feature wacky elements that children can contribute like wall art or a cool place to display their toys. There are all sorts of ways to make the most of a child’s space, and this can be easily executed with some thought, imagination and collaboration.

Choosing a theme

Parents know better than anyone what makes their children tick, that said, working with a child to select an initial theme can make the design process easy and cohesive. Once parent and child agree on a certain idea, sourcing items from sheets to toys to shelving can be made much easier. Some of the most common themes for kids rooms are science and nature, sports and super heroes but be sure to pick something that suits each specific child and can last into their later years so you don’t have to redecorate every few months as fads and interests change.


Sourcing the very best bed

Children love to use there imaginations; love to hide, love to explore, love to curl up and sleep, so why not try and incorporate these elements into a unique bedroom design? After all, while a bedroom should be fun and functional, it is first and foremost a place for little ones to rest their weary heads. Whether it’s a racecar bed or just a super comfy mattress with kid-friendly sheets (soft, playful and colourful) the bed is key. One of the best ways to encourage imagination and hours of play in a bedroom is to make the space dynamic. Bunk beds (and ladders, specifically) act as a veritable jungle gym in the room, which can entertain and engage children for ours on end.


Most kids have more toys than they know what to do with. Incorporating interesting and functional storage into a child’s bedroom design can be both aesthetically pleasing in that it nicely displays toys (which kids will appreciate) and offers a specific place for everything (which parents will appreciate). Using toys as decoration can help keep a space dynamic and evolving as the child grows and changes. Open faced cubbies at low levels are a neat and tidy way to keep things organized and are low enough that kids can reach them and arrange things as they like.

Historically, sending a child to their room has been viewed by parent and child alike as a punishment.  In reality, a child’s room should be their sanctuary; a place to explore, create, rest and relax.



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